51 The certificate field corresponding to the AVL pinningId is not definedCreated: 14 Jul 2024 Status: Discussion (red) Part: Part 9 (2023, Edition2) Links: Page: 74 Clause: 7.8.5 Paragraph: 1 Issue The AVL pinningId extension definition does not explicitly mention to what field of the public key certificate it corresponds. From the context it seems that it only corresponds to the SAN field, but this is not explicit. Proposal The X509 standard (X509-201910, https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.509-201910-I/en) for distinguishedName has the following text: "The entityGroup alternative shall be taken when the entry represents an entity group with which the entity may accept communications. An entity group is characterized by having a distinguished name prefix in common within the name of the subject component for public-key certificates issued to the members of the group."
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