13   Problem in GOOSE state machine

Created: 04 May 2022

Status: Discussion (red)

Part: Part 6 (2020, Edition 1)


Page: 14


Paragraph: state 11)


The IED is in state 11) after a packet loss.
What happened if there is no connection loss while in state 11) because one GOOSE packet was lost et communication resumes.


Add a state transition from 12) to 2).

Discussion Created Status
Looking at the original state machine - there is always a transition loss declared from state 11 to state 12.
The state 11 and 12 are there to illustrate that the state first transits from 8 to 11 (timer expiration), and the state 11 transits to 12 automatically. The "Association Loss Declared" is not a transition but an action while leaving (exit state) the state 11) Multicast Association Loss Detection.
The proposed state machine change from May 2nd, doesn't reflect the real need.
29 Jun 23 Discussion (red)
State 12 is not explicitly visible in the attached "GOOSE State Machine Draft revision.jpg" graphic 31 May 23 Discussion (red)
reverted for discussion 31 May 23 Discussion (red)
Provided a branch for parrallel notification of the application based upon loss of association.

Once we discuss and approve the diagram, will update the text.
02 May 23 Accepted


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